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Pros of Spring Camping

Albertans joke that this province has 2 seasons: winter season and construction season. While that gives me a chuckle, it’s false. Alberta has four seasons and each season has its "pros" when it comes to camper van holidays. Spring camping in Alberta is a particularly magical time. It is a time of excitement and bloom--when we all come out of hibernation and head to the mountains. Yes, like the bears!

The benefits of a camper van holiday in the spring are numerous. Take for example how it sustains happiness throughout the rest of the warmer months. I like to compare it to athletes training early to improve their athleticism. Spending time in nature during the spring does wonder for the soul year-round.

New Age Travel and Services wanted to share our love of camping during this season. We compiled a list of pros to spring camping in a camper van. Enjoy!


One great thing about Albertan weather is that the temperatures cool in the evenings. We may not appreciate this in the winter. After all, the daytime temperatures are already below ideal. But, Alberta appreciates cooler evenings during the warmer months.

Sunrise at an empty Albertan campground in the spring

Winter evenings in a camper van in Calgary can be frosty. On the other hand, summer evenings in the camper van can be sweaty. Spring and fall are like the goldilocks camping seasons. This time of the year has warm days with crisp mornings and fresh air. Indeed, this time of the year gives the best weather for both daytime activities and nighttime sleeps.

Sleeping in a van in the winter might sound crazy, but we’ve done it! And since we’ve dealt with bitter cold, we know how to handle moderate temperatures. Mother Nature is kind during spring. You will not face winter cold. But, the weather can be fickle. Rest assured that New Age Travel and Services will check the weather forecast before your rental. We will ensure you are set with the proper supplies. This may mean extra blankets or an electric heater free of charge to plug directly at the campground. We have years of experience under our belts to anticipate your needs per the conditions.

We want you to enjoy your holiday to the fullest!

Fewer Crowds

We call this time of the year “shoulder season” because it borders the busy ones. Inherent in that definition means fewer travellers and crowds. It is common for hikers and campers to get full mountains to themselves.

New Age Travel and Services enjoying full mountain to themselves

Fewer crowds mean solitude. A break and disconnect from the daily grind. If you ask me, it seems people need that more than ever these days. Peaceful detachment in nature allows us to engage in the present; to get away from stimuli. Be one with nature and yourself. This is no better timed than when nature is blooming– a period of transformation and rejuvenation.

Campsite Availability

Springtime is when many campgrounds open, but not many campers are camping. For this reason, campgrounds are rarely full. That said, due to demand, many campgrounds only open during peak season. Below are our favourite campgrounds with open dates in April and May:

Year-Round Campgrounds

  • Wapiti in Jasper National Park

  • Tunnel Mountain in Banff National Park

April Campgrounds

  • Eau Claire in Spray Valley

  • Bow Valley in Peter Lougheed

  • Townsite in Waterton National Park

May Campgrounds

  • Beauvais Lake on the way to Waterton National Park

  • Beaver Lake in Wood Buffalo National Park

  • Lac des Arcs on the way to Banff National Park


Not only are there fewer people, but the animals are also more active. That’s the ideal combination for an awesome, wildlife-filled road trip. Alberta is home to over 600 species of wildlife. The most common animals to see are goats and bears. Goats lick the salt off the highway. Mama bears roam the valleys with their cubs.

When viewing wildlife, please maintain distance. As tempting as it might be to get close to the animals, it is best for them that we maintain our distance. Feel free to stop by the side of the road or take a photo at a safe distance rather than up close.

Why Wait?

“Why didn’t we do this earlier?” is the feedback we hear a lot. So, if you’re thinking of booking a Calgary camper van rental this spring, go for it. Spring camping is great! And New Age Travel and Services have thought through any of the drawbacks. Plus, with 24/7 customer service, we can answer any questions you have during your holiday.

why wait for summer, get your spring campervan rental now

If you have any further questions on camper van rentals or spring camping please contact us. We are experienced vanlifers with a lot of more advice where that came from 😉

(587)-287-7127 or book online, today.


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