Car camping is the act of packing your vehicle with sleeping gear, cooking equipment, clothing and safety equipment. Then, hitting the road. You may have heard of the term "glamping" or "glamorous camping". That's basically car camping - bringing the comforts of home in your car, into nature, and in an affordable way.
But why go car camping? For starters, it offers a ton of benefits like waking up near top-end attractions, flexible schedules, and affordable travel. Plus, with New Age camper vans, you'll enjoy the ultimate adventure-ready package. Because we include everything so all you need to pack are your clothes and a sense of adventure.

We're more than just a rental company—we're a family-run business fuelled by a passion for nature and camping. We are committed to exceptional customer service, affordability, and sustainability. Renting from us not only enriches your outdoor experience but contributes to sustainable travel.
So, please join us in exploring the great outdoors with New Age Travel and Services!
Benefits of Car Camping
Car camping is freedom… Freedom to explore a unique blend of outdoor comfort and convenience. Car camping is different from backcountry camping in a number of ways. It's not a question of what's better. We love both! It's a question of what kind of experience you want for your trip. Camping in a car simply gives more accessibility, flexibility, and access for all skill levels.
So, let's explore why car camping is not just a means of travel, but a gateway to unforgettable adventures.
Convenience: Camping in a car gets easy access to campsites. You don't need to hike with heavy gear to sleep in the woods. Your vehicle serves as your mobile basecamp. Therefore, you can bring your belongings with you to scenic destinations. No fuss.
Comfort: in traditional camping, you're limited to what you can carry. When car camping, you can bring bulkier amenities for a more laid back experience. So explore national parks and enjoy comfy sleeping gear, camping chairs, and other cooking stuff.
Accessibility: Car camping is great for families, and beginners. It's a safe and controlled environment for all skill levels. Many campsites offer amenities like picnic tables, fire pits, restrooms and showers.
Flexibility: Since your home is your vehicle, you have the freedom to explore at your leisure. Unlike traditional camping or renting a hotel room, car camping allows you to tailor your adventure to your desire.
Essential Gear for Car Camping
Preparing for a car camping adventure? Having the right gear is essential for a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
Here are some key essentials to consider:
Sleeping Gear: For a restful night under the stars bring a quality sleeping bag, set of warm blankets and even night clothing. Depending on your bed (mattress, pads or air mattress) you may want more cushion material to sleep on. After all, comfortable rest is crucial for maximizing your enjoyment of the entire experience.
Cooking Equipment: No camping trip is complete without delicious meals cooked over an open flame. Store cooking essentials in the van. We recommend a camping stove, a cooler, some utensils, other cookware, and fire-starting materials. With these tools at your disposal, you can whip up hearty meals to fuel your outdoor pursuits.
Safety Gear: Carry a well-stocked first aid kit for obvious reasons. Plus, pack a box of emergency supplies with matches, headlamps, and a multi-tool. Being prepared for emergencies gives you peace of mind while in the wilderness.
Other Comfortable Amenities: Extras like camping chairs are nice for relaxation by the campfire. Portable tables make cooking and dining more convenient anywhere. These types of equipment help elevate a camping experience from rugged to comfortable (although still rugged).
At New Age Travel and Services, we include all these items and more in our camper van rentals. All you need to bring is your clothing, and you'll be ready to hit the road and embark on your adventure. Check out our website to see what's included with our camper van rentals. You can also read our other blog for tips on packing and preparing for your camping trip.
Campground & Campsite Selection
Awesome - we have our sleeping equipment and backpacks packed. What next? Next steps are to reserve the perfect campsite.
For popular places like Banff, Waterton and Jasper National Parks, it's important to plan ahead when camping. Campgrounds in these areas fill up fast during peak season (which is July to September).
So get yourself a reservation and see our tips for reserving a campground in Banff.
When picking out a campground, think about amenities, availability, and the places you want to visit. Which hiking trails do you want to try? Are there any scenic views you'd like to get to? These answers might impact your desired campground and campsite.

We recommend you select a campsite close to activities for convenience and enjoyment. You'll also want to decide how important privacy and quiet are.
We personally prefer to follow this balance:
Far from neighbours so we have a peaceful nights' rest
Close enough to the outhouse that it's not too far a walk
Finally, pick a campsite with shade or trees. That'll give you some privacy but also keep the car cool - after all it's a big metal box. Shade and shelter will keep you comfortable so you can focus on enjoying your camping time.
Is Car Camping Allowed in National Parks?
Most campers want to go to National Parks because of the pristine landscapes and natural beauty. But parks need rules to keep them this pristine. So, there's often strict regulations in place to protect the ecosystems.
Regulations vary from park to park, but the general consensus is: only car camp in designated campsites in National Parks. Not respecting this rule could cost you $25,000! Below the note from Banff National Park Warden:
"There is NO FREE CAMPING in Banff National Park. All campers must spend the night in a DESIGNATED campground. People found camping along roadways, in parking lots, in the bush, on the streets in town, or any other area outside a campground, whether or not the area is signed with 'No Camping', are committing an offence and may be charged. This includes an automatic, required court appearance, where a fine of up to 25,000$ may be assessed."
These campsites have amenities that ensure sustainable tourism for visitors and wildlife.
Renting a Camping Car
New Age is extremely fortunate to be so close to beautiful getaways. We go car camping quite often! But there's a vast world of natural wonders out there and we've also wanted to explore other places. That includes areas where driving was not an option.
Could this be you, too? Then why not try camping car rentals?
Many camping car rental companies near international airports offer airport pickup or drop off for a fee. Fly in, drive away, and enjoy your fully-equipped camper van on the road to Banff.
Car camping and camper van rentals are the ultimate adventure-ready package. We look forward to offering convenience and comfort as you explore new horizons.

Our camper van rentals offer everything you need for a seamless and unforgettable experience. From cozy sleeping arrangements, cooking setup and safety gear.
As a family-run business with a passion for nature and camping, we prioritize exceptional customer service. Every aspect of your journey is met with care and attention to detail.
Join us in exploring the great outdoors and create memories to last a lifetime with New Age Travel and Services!
Looking for an RV rental — please don’t hesitate to contact us:
(587) 287-7127
or book online, today